četrtek, 31. januar 2013

Support For Organ Donation High: Survey

Family consent key

(NC)-Canadians overwhelmingly support the idea of organ donation. A 2001 survey by the Environics Research Group of more than 1,516 Canadians revealed that 96% of Canadians support the idea of organ and tissue donation. They also have a fairly good knowledge of the official way to express their intention to donate with their provinces and territories.

A total of 46% of Canadians have signed their cards or registered their intentions to be a donor with their province or territory. However, 45% remain uncommitted. Only 9% say they have decided not to donate.

89% of those who have signed up (46%) have also discussed their wishes with their families. The challenge facing Canada is to get the 45% who remain uncommitted to take the decision, sign up and then tell their families. It is a life-saving, life-improving decision… and it could be your last.

For more information on organ and tissue donation and how you can donate, visit www.healthcanada.ca/organandtissue on the Internet.

You can find additional info at the following links:

Click Here for more information
Click Here for more information

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