nedelja, 27. januar 2013


Silicon - Deficiency and Food Sources

Silicon is an essential trace mineral required by the body for stronger bones, better glowing skin and more flexible and strong joints. It is present in the body in the form of an ether derivative of silicic acid or silanate. It is important to include si... Read >

Anorexia - Symptoms and Treatment

Anorexia is something more drastic than just a problem with food. It is a strange way of using food, body weight or starving oneself to feel more in charge of one's life, to ease nervousness, anger, and anxiety. Most people with anorexia are females. A... Read >

Iron - Deficiency Symptoms and Food Sources

Iron deficiency means less than adequate iron levels in the body. Iron is an essential component of haemoglobin - the oxygen carrying pigment in the blood. Iron-deficient people tire easily because their bodies remain starved for oxygen. Without enoug... Read >

Know How to Do Breast Massage

Breasts are body tissues, which can be effectively self-massaged or massaged by someone else. At some time or the other, most women experience physical and psychological trauma related to breast congestion, breast pain, discomforts of surgical procedures,... Read >

Know How to Increase Breast Firmness

Most women's breasts lose their breast firmness with age, especially large-breasted women. Reasons may range from inherited characteristics such as skin elasticity and breast density (the ratio of lightweight fat to heavier glands). Other factors for brea... Read >

causes And Treatment Of Peptic Ulcer">Causes And Treatment Of Peptic Ulcer

In the digestive system, ulcer comprises the area where the tissue has been destroyed by gastric juices and stomach acid. Peptic ulcer disease is a general term used for ulcers that occur in the stomach or duodenum (upper part of the small intestine) or e... causes And Treatment Of Peptic Ulcer">Read >

Wilson's Disease : Symptoms And Treatment

Wilson's disease is a genetic disorder, which is fatal unless early detected and treated. It is a rare condition, where excess copper builds up in the body causing copper poisoning. Wilson's disease is quite uncommon and affects 1 in 30,000 people. It is ... Read >

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