sobota, 26. januar 2013

Snore Guard - Try the Stop Snoring Chin Strap for Peace and Quiet at Night

When looking for a snoring solution, many people forget, or don't know about, an anti-snoring chin strap. It's such a simple device which maintains your lower jaw in place while you sleep. Here, you'll discover how it works and why it might be an effective snoring solution for you.

Firstly though, let me go over the cause of snoring so that you can see just why stop snoring aids, such as the snoring chin strap, can be effective...

You don't snore when you're awake, only when you are sleeping. Ever wondered why this is? Well, it's because, during sleep, your whole body relaxes, including the muscles and tissue in your airways. And because you are asleep you have no control over this happening, as you have when you are awake.

They can relax to such an extent that, depending on a number of other considerations, they can fall into your airways and partially block them. This leaves your airways with a much restricted area for the air to flow through as you breathe during sleep.

These are the kind of conditions that can turn smooth airflow into turbulent airflow. The soft tissue that is partially blocking your airways then vibrate due to this turbulence. It's these vibrations that produce the sounds of snoring.

There are other things that need to be looked at when trying to stop snoring. For example, your sleeping position, your weight, late meals, late drinking, etc. And as such these need to be addressed when tackling your condition.

You can't ignore those issues, but, one of the main causes of snoring is when your lower jaw (chin) falls back and away from your upper jaw. This is particularly prevalent when you sleep on your back. When this occurs it puts pressure on you throat and, as it is attached to your jaw, your tongue falls into your airway somewhat, thus causing snoring. By preventing this you can reduce the risk of snoring.

Enter the snoring chin strap. This is an aid that you wear during the night whilst you sleep. It's purpose is to retain your lower jaw in its correct position relative to your upper jaw. In this way it prevents your chin, and thus your tongue, from putting pressure on your airway and constricting it. This helps to free up the airway and prevent snoring.

Now, as I hinted at above, depending on the underlying causes of your snoring, the anti snoring chin strap might not work as well for you as for others. You just need to give it a try to find out.

If the snoring chin strap doesn't quite do it for you, then there are many stop snoring devices out there in the market place. So these are well worth investigating too, as you move towards preventing your snoring for good.

So, to discover more about the snoring chin strap and other effective stop snoring aids, please now pay a visit to Stop Snoring at Night.

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