četrtek, 31. januar 2013

How to Manage Snoring

Most snoring is short-term, and may be related to weight gain and obesity, rhinitis or nasal polyps.

snoring can be a symptom of a condition known as sleep apnoea. This is a breathing disturbance characterised by loud snoring interspersed with long pauses of silence.

During these pauses which can last for as long as ten seconds or even longer, the snorer will actually stop breathing. This problem can happen dozens or even hundreds of times a night, preventing the snorer from falling into a natural sleep. They then wake up feeling tired, unrefreshed and exhausted. Occasionally, sleep apnoea can prove to be fatal if the heart stops beating whilst in an episode of apnoea.

The exhaustion from the sleep deprivation caused through the snoring and apnoea can also lead to unrelated accidents which are caused through the sheer exhaustion the sufferer is experiencing. These can include driving accidents, working with dangerous machinery or even just losing concentration at a critical time throughout the day.

If you or your partner is snoring so loudly it causes a disturbance, keeps others awake and doesn't respond to any home remedies you've tried such as lying on your side, losing weight, stopping smoking and drinking etc, then it may be time to consult a sleep specialist. They can give you a complete evaluation of your problem and give you lots of ideas and options to improve your snoring problem.

There are lots of tests to see what is causing your snoring problem, and once the cause is determined there may be a solution to if not solve the problem completely, at least make it less of a trouble.

Nasal splints can be a helpful remedy to assist with snoring. Some products on the market can be very effective, one of which consists of small tapes that are placed on the sides of the nose to encourage the nostrils to remain wide open. This then reduces the snoring problem because more air is being breathed in by the snorer. This causes fewer vibrations in the throat, the noise volume is lowered, and both the snorer and others in his household get better night's sleep.

A short-term nasal decongestant spray can help in certain situations, especially where snoring is caused by colds or coughs. You shouldn't need a nasal spray decongestant to be prescribed as there is a variety which can be bought over the counter - ask the pharmacist for advice.

Snoring related to rhinitis is another problem that can be helped with a decongestant spray, or if the problem is long-standing by a steroid nasal spray such as beclomethasone.

However it is important to avoid overuse of a decongestant spray, as it can rapidly make the problem worse; such sprays tend to thicken the lining in the nose if used too much or for too long. Decongestant sprays should be used sparingly for a maximum of seven days, and discarded once the medical problem has improved.


Holistic doctor Alison Grimston is passionate about helping you to prevent future ill-health. Sign up for her new free report on creating outstanding health and energy => www.holisticdoctoronline.comwww.holisticdoctoronline.com

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