torek, 26. februar 2013

What Are The Risks Of Taking Lipitor?

Lipitor is the generic name of a prescription drug used for treating high cholesterol. Atrovastatin is the brand name most commonly associated with Lipitor. It has been proven to be a very effect part of treatment for many people. The drugs helps to lower cholesterol by slowing the production of cholesterol in the body. A person taking Lipitor is lowering their risk of subsequent hardening of arteries, heart attacks, strokes and heart disease. There are a variety of side effects that can occur when taking Lipitor. While most are mild and only a few are more serious, it is important that you fully educate yourself on all possible side effects of Lipitor.

It is very important that you keep in close contact with your physician if you begin to notice any unusual or severe side effects while taking the cholesterol lowering drug Lipitor. There have been some rare but serious cases of liver and muscle problems in a few people taking Lipitor. Unusual weakness, tenderness or pain in the muscles occur with the liver and muscle problems. If any of these side effects occur when taking Lipitor, it is imperative that you contact your physician immediately.

Some common side effects that can occur when taking Lipitor to reduce your cholesterol include flatulence (gas), upset stomach, nausea, rash or headaches. If you begin to experience any of the above symptoms you can continue to take Lipitor, however, you should consult your physician right away. He or she will want to be aware of and monitor any side effects that occur.

Some of the more potentially serious side effects that can occur while taking include swollen lips, breathing problems, swelling of the face, swelling of the tongue and hives. Extreme blurring of vision or rust colored urine that may have decreased in frequency should be a cause for concern. If the occurrence of muscle weakness, tenderness or pain is present with a combination of flu symptoms, fever, fatigue, stomach pain, dark urine or light colored feces, they could indicate serious problems with the muscles or liver.

While there may be the possibility for many different side effects, Lipitor has been proven to dramatically decrease the level of total cholesterol in the body anywhere from 29 – 45%. Studies show that Lipitor has been proven to reduce the risk of heart attacks by 36 percent.

When combined with proper diet and exercise, you can work to lower the level of bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol levels. Generally, Lipitor is a once a day pill that is taken at any point during the day, with or without eating foods while taking it.

Disclaimer: The information presented here should not be interpreted as medical advice. Please talk to a qualified professional before taking Lipitor or any other drug.

You can find additional info at the following links:

Click Here for more information
Click Here for more information

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