torek, 26. februar 2013

Tips to Cure Insomnia - A List of Effective Insomnia-busting Tips

Have you been relying on tips to cure insomnia that left you even more agitated than before you started counting sheep? Why would you fall asleep to the sight of bleating woolly creatures jumping over a fence anyway? But before you go reaching for that sleeping pill, read on for these proven tips to cure insomnia so you may finally be able to sleep.

Tip to Cure Insomnia # 1: See a medical professional.

If you have difficulty either falling asleep or staying asleep, then you may be afflicted with insomnia. Worry not, you are in good company. Insomnia is fairly a rampant sleep disorder and most of the world's population go through sleepless nights at some point in their lives.

One in every three people, actually, are full-fledged insomniacs. Whether the cause is stress, anxiety, fatigue, or depression--refer to your medical professional for a more accurate diagnosis. It may well be a symptom of some unseen health problem.

Tip to Cure Insomnia # 2: Have your bed companion checked too.

Chances are, the person lying next to you is the factor for your situation. If his or her snoring affects your sleep adversely, tell your partner to see a doctor and have his or her snoring problem addressed. It may be caused by an allergy, an effect of hypothyroidism, sleep apnea, or a deviated septum. Whatever the case, seek medical assistance. Address the snores so you'll dream comfortably.

Tip to Cure Insomnia # 3: Relax.

Employ relaxation exercises just like yoga, meditation, and tai chi. Rest in bed and breathe deeply for five minutes or until you fall asleep. Visualize yourself in a peace-filled place, your own personal paradise. The idea is to be rid of stress, even if it's just in your mind. Try to deal with any conflicts or concerns before you go to bed so you may have peace of mind and freed to come to bed unperturbed.

Tip to Cure Insomnia # 4: For Pete's sake, get a plumber.

Say the faucet leaks and the sound of the water drips are keeping you away from sleep, a temporary solution would be to tie a piece of string around the tap, going all the way down to the sink, so the water will just run down the length of the string noiselessly instead of making that annoying "drip, drip, drip" sound. Then when you wake up, seek a lasting solution and finally call that plumber.

Tip to Cure Insomnia # 5: Throw away the clock.

When you hear the clock making those annoying tick-tock sounds, you get anxious; and in that agitated condition, it will be all the more difficult for you to get some slumber. So hide the clock. Face it the other way if you must. If it's the kind that ticks and tocks annoyingly, get rid of it. Use a silent one instead, so you won't be tormented every night with the sound of each passing second of precious sleep you lose.

Tip to Cure Insomnia # 6: Sing yourself a lullaby.

There's a reason lullabies were invented, and if they are effective on babies, then it will no doubt work for you too. Don't be shy, sing in bed. I have tried this myself and found that it does wonders. Do try to limit your playlist to mellow stuff, however, as noisier numbers might keep even the neighbors wide awake.

You don't need to count sheep anymore. All you need to do is heed these tips to cure insomnia. Now go snuggle next to your partner and go off to dreamland.

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