torek, 5. februar 2013

How Snoring Affects Your Partner

Spousal Arousal Syndrome (SAS) is the name given to the problems that non-snoring partners suffer because they sleep with a snorer.

Researchers who have studied Spousal Arousal Syndrome learned that silent sleepers are adversely affected by the snoring of their partners. Snoring can disturb ones sleep multiple times an hour. Non-snoring partners average an hour to two hours less sleep each night even if they don't remember waking. This lack of sleep can cause the silent sleeper to experience daytime fatigue and irritability, weight gain, higher blood pressure, memory problems, increased propensities for accidents or illnesses and many other problems associated with sleep deprivation.

SAS It can adversely affect jobs and social life. Silent sleepers may struggle with low self-esteem, effecting personal and professional relationships. If too sleep deprived, silent sleepers may lose interest in sex. (For more information on how snoring can affect you, see "Snoring Is More Than Just a Night-Time Trial")

If you have a partner who snores, the effects could be more serious than simply a night-time disturbance. Long term medical and social effects can result, so talk to your partner about the effects of their snoring. (For ideas, see "Talk To Your Partner about Snoring")

If the snoring is due to congestion, illness or other temporary conditions, nasal strips such as Breathe Lift™ Nasal Strips can help. If the snoring is persistent, talk to your doctor. Simple steps such as a better sleep position may also help. The Better Sleep Pillow™ elevates the head to properly support the airways for improved air flow. Losing weight is another way to help control snoring. Read "Ways to Reduce or Eliminate Snoring" for more ideas.

Researchers are finding many more ways that snoring adversely affects people and finding new ways to treat it. Snoring should never be ignored. Even if you aren't snoring, both of you are affected.

For more insight, see also "Talk to Your Partner About Snoring" and "Tips for Non-Snoring Partners"


It's sad but true. Most sleepers who struggle with a snoring partner have argued about the night-time noise. Some studies show that 80% of them have to sleep apart!

So how can a couple discuss snoring and find ways to allow and enjoy sharing the same bed again?

DON'T BLAME THEM. Snoring is not a choice; it is a symptom of a problem. In many cases snorers are often unaware that they are snoring or to what extent.

EXPRESS YOUR LOVE. Let your partner know you are worried that snoring may be affecting their life adversely during the daytime as well as at sleep. Discuss the ways snoring negatively affects their life and yours. (See "Snoring Is Not Just a Night-Time Trial")

CREATE A PLAN. Once aware of adverse effects of snoring, ask if there are any suggestions or ideas for improving their sleep. So be ready to offer several ideas. Would they be willing to change sleep positions? If so, a Better Sleep Pillow™ may help. Would they be willing to try nasal strips to improve air flow? Breathe Lift™ Nasal Strips offer more support than other nasal strips on the market and may be a welcomed option Suggest a weight loss program. Offer to support or help tin their quest. Ask also if they would see a doctor. (See "Ways to Reduce or Eliminate Snoring") Whatever your decision make sure the choices are made together.

WORK TOGETHER. Remember, once someone falls asleep they cannot control the tendency to snore. The steps to reduce or eliminate snoring must be made while awake. Because snorers often don't know when or if they are the snoring, non-snoring partner should also be pro-active in helping both to improve sleep quality. Snoring is not a 'his' or 'her' problem. It is a challenge best met together.

For more ideas on how to get a good night's rest while sleeping with a snorer, See "Tips for Non-Snorers."


There are a variety of "Ways to Reduce or Eliminate Snoring" for the one suffering from snoring. Everything from losing weight, to eliminating alcohol and smoking, to using sleep aids such as Breathe Lift Nasal Strips and the Better Sleep Pillow.

But non-snoring partners often suffer from Spousal Arousal Syndrome. Their partner's snoring can disturb their sleep and make it difficult to wake feeling rested and ready for the day. What can a non-snoring partner do to improve their sleep quality?

GO TO SLEEP FIRST. Does it take you half an hour to fall asleep? If it does, then go to bed 30 minutes before night after night. As you discuss the reason, assure your partner you love them deeply and want to sleep in the same bed with them. Going to sleep earlier with help you continue to sleep with them and not apart.

Be sure to also discuss arrangements to have sex before the earlier bedtime, or at another time altogether. Work together so that intimate and very important part of your relationship does not suffer and you can both still get the needed sleep.

SLEEP BACK-TO-BACK. A snorer is less likely to snore while sleeping on their side. By snuggling up with your backs pressed together, the position will reduce their need to snore and, if they do snore and you're back-to-back, the sound won't be so close to your ear.

CHANGE WHAT YOU HEAR. Cover your ears to muffle the sound or use a white noise machine. While neither method eliminates the noise of snoring, both can help mask it. You can sleep to the sounds of a waterfall or ocean surf, a gentle rain shower or crickets.

STAY TOGETHER. Above all, try not to retreat to the couch or another bedroom. That does not treat the problem, which is snoring; and will eventually cause more problems. If the snoring is so severe that you find yourself often craving a different sleep area or partner, please get professional help. Your relationship is worth it. And, after a few good nights sleep you may be surprised at how much you cherish each other still.

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