sreda, 27. februar 2013

How to live with a bad snorer

You are not alone if you live with a bad snorer, as there are over 15 million people with snoring problems in the UK. And it is just that, a problem. Many snorers think it is normal and some people do and some people don’t. But the fact is if you snore you have a sleep disorder which can have serious medical and social consequences. When someone snores it means they have a certain degree of upper airway obstruction. As the person falls asleep the muscles relax and your tongue falls to the back of the mouth which further narrows the airway. Living with and sleeping next to someone who snores regularly can be quite stressful and taxing. We all need a good night’s sleep to recharge for the next day. Without a good night sleep the following day can be very tricky to get through. So what can be done?

There are some general life style changes you can make which should be tried first. If you a few pounds overweight you should try to lose it. You will not only feel great for losing the weight, your snoring could stop giving you and your partner a real new lease of life. Avoid dairy products as they can cause a build up of mucus at the back of the throat making you snore. If you smoke this is a no no as smoking is seen as big contributor to the snoring. Eating large meals at night before bed time should be stopped, it is not a good idea or healthy to sleep on a full stomach anyway.

If you have an adjustable bed you could elevate the head slightly so see if that makes the person breathe easier. The air passages will op opened which may make the snoring cease. If you don’t have a bed you could get a special stop snoring pillow, this could give you the same benefits as the elevated bed. Try sleeping on your side rather than your back and try to keep to a regular sleep pattern.

Many people say they have tried all of the above but still snore so they look for stop snoring aids to help. There are plenty of products out there which claim to help snorers. There are many fads and products which are just rubbish so be careful. Check for reviews of any products your thinking of buying and ensure you know what you getting. Many people are turning to alternative therapies these days such as a anit-snoring ring which uses acupressure on your little finger which claims to do the trick.

Snoring shouldn’t be ignored because over time the snorer or the partner has the chance of having some serious medical and social consequences. A person who doesn’t get enough sleep for months or even years on end could end up with many other health issues brought on by sleep depravation. Go act now and sort this problem out before it’s too late.

Stop snoring tonight with the acupressure Good Night Anti-Snoring Ring. Complete with a 30 day money back guarantee. We are looking for the world’s worst snorer visit our site to see how to enter.

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