sreda, 27. februar 2013

Foot Cryosurgery for Plantar Fasciitis, Heel Pain, Morton's Neuroma and Neuropathy

Cryosurgery, also known as Cryotherapy or Neuroablation, is a minimally invasive FDA approved procedure done in the office for pain relief and nerve problems of the foot. Dr. Katz notes that treatments have provided longstanding relief for heel pain, plantar fasciitis, Morton's neuroma and neuropathy and many other painful conditions.

The procedure is performed under local anestehsia using a tiny incision that does not require stitches. A probe is used to freeze tissue in a 15 minute office procedure. Extreme freezing temperatures produce an anesthetic effect beyond the temporary relief produced by simple cooling. This procedure may be used as a primary treatment but is more commonly used after other conservative treatments have failed.

Cryoanalgesia has been known to decrease pain and inflammation for centuries. Physicians, physical therapists and sports trainers have used ice for many conditions and injuries. Cool temperatures result in vasoconstriction of blood vessels, thus reducing inflammation, but also create an anesthetic effect by altering nerve function.

Researchers performing cryosurgery observed that extreme freezing had an anesthetic effect beyond the temporary relief produced by simple cooling. Over the last thirty years, many treatments have been introduced to address chronic pain by neurologists, surgeons, pain management specialists, and neurosurgeons. These techniques have had a common goal of producing prolonged nerve blocks to relieve intractable pain. Within the last ten years, cryosurgery has been utilized to relieve trigeminal nerve pain, lumbosacral pain and most recently carpal tunnel syndrome.

Advantages to Foot Cryosurgery

* Painless - use of local anesthesia

* Minimally invasive

* In-office physician performed procedure

* Walking the day of the procedure

* Minimal to no down time from work or activity

* Decrease use of pain medications that may cause complications

* May permit patient to return to fashion shoes, sandals and heels

* May permit patient to walk barefoot

Success rates have been high and patients find that they get significant relief while being able to return to normal activities quickly. This is truly a breakthrough technology for foot pain said Dr. Marc Katz of Tampa.

You can find additional info at the following links:

Click Here for more information
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Type Two Diabetes Symptoms


Type II diabetes previously known as adult onset diabetes or non-insulin depended diabetes is really a metabolic dysfunction identified by insulin resistance by cells and reduced creation of insulin. This disorder lessens the body?s capacity to control blood sugar levels effectively resulting in an unusually high blood sugar level. Long-term health risks resulting from high blood sugar consist of: high risk of heart attacks, kidney failure, and amputation. Medical diagnosis of diabetes is generally executed by examining blood samples for elevated amounts of blood sugar. Both fasting as well as random glucose readings are reviewed for concussive analysis. There are 2 major examination that are conducted to determine which kind of Diabetes you may be suffering from. Usually the patient has to be in fast for a certain amount of time before the test being conducted.

Type II diabetes is at first managed by life-style adjustments such as increasing physical activity and dietary modification however as the ailment advances medication and in certain cases a combination of anti-diabetic medication are usually necesary. The reason why a lot of people opt for the first two is because of the effectiveness of consuming a good diet. Patients that have recently developed the symptoms can feel significantly better by avoiding particular foods and increasing their physical exercise.

Type II diabetes is usually attributable to life-style factors and inherited genes. Life-style factors associated with type II diabetes include things like lack of physical activity, unhealthy diet regime, smoking, unhealthy weight and alcohol dependency. Type II diabetes is also genetically transmissible. Having family members with type II diabetes increases the chance of acquiring type II diabetes very substantially. Though we can't control the second reason, we can certainly take care of the first. This simply means that in case you?ve had family members or close relatives who have suffered from the ailment, you may minimize your odds of being a victim by taking proper care of what you eat, maintaining a healthy diet, avoiding smoking cigarettes and alcohol and most critical working out regularly.

The signs of type II diabetes are polyuria (a condition characterized by frequent urination), polydipsia (elevated thirst) and polyphagia (increased hunger). In type II diabetes symptoms tend to be subtle and take weeks or perhaps months to develop. High blood sugar levels over a long period of time causes glucose absorption which results in changes in the shape of eye lenses therefore patients encounter blurry eyesight. Blurry vision is one of the most common symptoms of type II diabetes. Other symptoms of diabetes include skin infections or rashes called diabetic dermadromes. A rare possibility more common in type II diabetes is hyperosmolar nonketotic state; it is a diabetic coma with a high fatality rate primarily caused by dehydration and abnormally high blood sugar level.

You can find additional info at the following links:

Click Here for more information
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How to live with a bad snorer

You are not alone if you live with a bad snorer, as there are over 15 million people with snoring problems in the UK. And it is just that, a problem. Many snorers think it is normal and some people do and some people don’t. But the fact is if you snore you have a sleep disorder which can have serious medical and social consequences. When someone snores it means they have a certain degree of upper airway obstruction. As the person falls asleep the muscles relax and your tongue falls to the back of the mouth which further narrows the airway. Living with and sleeping next to someone who snores regularly can be quite stressful and taxing. We all need a good night’s sleep to recharge for the next day. Without a good night sleep the following day can be very tricky to get through. So what can be done?

There are some general life style changes you can make which should be tried first. If you a few pounds overweight you should try to lose it. You will not only feel great for losing the weight, your snoring could stop giving you and your partner a real new lease of life. Avoid dairy products as they can cause a build up of mucus at the back of the throat making you snore. If you smoke this is a no no as smoking is seen as big contributor to the snoring. Eating large meals at night before bed time should be stopped, it is not a good idea or healthy to sleep on a full stomach anyway.

If you have an adjustable bed you could elevate the head slightly so see if that makes the person breathe easier. The air passages will op opened which may make the snoring cease. If you don’t have a bed you could get a special stop snoring pillow, this could give you the same benefits as the elevated bed. Try sleeping on your side rather than your back and try to keep to a regular sleep pattern.

Many people say they have tried all of the above but still snore so they look for stop snoring aids to help. There are plenty of products out there which claim to help snorers. There are many fads and products which are just rubbish so be careful. Check for reviews of any products your thinking of buying and ensure you know what you getting. Many people are turning to alternative therapies these days such as a anit-snoring ring which uses acupressure on your little finger which claims to do the trick.

Snoring shouldn’t be ignored because over time the snorer or the partner has the chance of having some serious medical and social consequences. A person who doesn’t get enough sleep for months or even years on end could end up with many other health issues brought on by sleep depravation. Go act now and sort this problem out before it’s too late.

Stop snoring tonight with the acupressure Good Night Anti-Snoring Ring. Complete with a 30 day money back guarantee. We are looking for the world’s worst snorer visit our site to see how to enter.

Patches Work!

Taking medicine needn’t be a pain when it’s as simple as applying a plaster.

Hate taking tablets? Terrified of injections? Then the new trend for transdermal medication, or medicines applied directly to the skin, will be right up your street. Most people will have heard of nicotine and hormone patches, but scientists have been working on getting a wider range of drugs and therapeutic substances through the skin’s normally impermeable barriers in the same way. They have discovered that everything from asthma and diabetes treatments to local anesthetics and even aphrodisiacs can be painlessly slapped onto the skin like a sticking plaster.

Normally human skin acts like a tightly woven, waterproof fabric, and until recently it was thought that only a few substances such as cosmetic creams and pain-relieving sprays could be effectively absorbed through the surface. But new discoveries show that there are ways to make the skin more permeable, so that many more substances can pass through the tissues and into the blood.

The drug patches contain a solution that hydrates the skin and widens the pores so the drug can seep through. The patches look like a Band-Aid, but have the medication sandwiched between an ultra thin pad containing this permeating substance and a protective layer.

The advantages of taking drugs this way, say some dermatologists, are indisputable. “When medicines are taken by mouth, they are attacked by digestive juices, so that only part of the treatment is absorbed,” explains Professor Peter Elsner, of the dermatology department at the University of Jena in Germany, and an expert on the use of medical patches. “From the digestive system, the drug then goes straight to the liver, where some of the chemicals it contains are partly broken down and, therefore, not absorbed. Dosages of oral medicines are sometimes deliberately high to allow for this metabolism and malabsorption. With skin patches, less of the drug is needed to have the same effect.

Alta Care Laboratoires has produced the pain killing, anti-inflammatory Flodolor Patch which is effective in reducing the intensity and frequency of pain, with a prolonged release of 24 to 36 hours. It is effective especially with patients who suffer from renal or hepatic insufficiency and consequently cannot administer anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs. It is preventive when applied on joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments that have been inflamed in the past and useful in sports medicine in order to prevent the reacutisation of wounds, without using drugs prohibited by sports federations. The Flodolor Patch is also useful to alleviate children’s pain when tablets are contra-indicated.

A team of researchers at the University of California have been looking at ways to deliver insulin to diabetics through the skin without an injection. They have created a watch-like ultrasound device, which sends shock waves to enlarge the skin’s pores – a patch can then be stuck on the arm to administer the medicine. Another product will remove the need for finger-pricking blood tests for diabetics: it measures blood-sugar levels and changes colour when they get too low.

The transdermal trend is also hitting the high street. Do you suffer from acne, skin eruptions, period pains, bad moods? Try Alta Care’s Silvia Women Patches, they decrease the frequency and intensity of conditions caused by hormonal imbalance, it helps prolong the gynaecological life of women and prepares them to have a good and safe pregnancy. Silvia Women Patches also decreases naturally the intensity and frequency of flushes during menopause and is a perfect substitute when HRT is contra-indicated. Or, if it’s your libido that needs attention, Altasterol Patch, another product by Alta Care, is a natural aphrodisiac and stimulating patch. Slap one on your buttock every 24 hours and, in a few days, your old sex life won’t be a patch on your new one!

Women often tend to suffer from Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI). This may cause feet and calves to become swollen, often accompanied by a dull ache made worse with prolonged standing…especially due to wearing heels! If CVI is allowed to progress, the skin tends to darken and ulcers may occur. CVI often leads to varicose and spider veins. Alta Care’s Venalta Patch prevents and treats tired and heavy legs whilst also improving blood circulation in patients who work for prolonged periods standing up. People who suffer from cold feet will note that after following a month course of Venalta patches the feet will actually feel warmer because of the improvement in the micro-circulation.

Whilst still treating the micro-circulation problem why not tackle also another common factor, that of cellulite. Would it not be more convenient and economical to use a patch instead of gels and creams? Many opt to avoid using such topical applications due to the time needed for these to penetrate and be absorbed in the skin as well as because these may be messy.

Altadrine Slimming patch by Alta Care is a practical, discreet and efficient treatment which acts directly on the needed parts of the body thus decreasing progressively the “orange peel” skin. The waterproof and hypo-allergenic patches can be used in different areas of the body, such as thighs, buttocks, under arms, abdomen or neck.

Pharmacists often have problems with patients facing conditions of acute stress since it is difficult to find over the counter products to treat this condition. Doctors even have similar problems since a lot of products are full of side effects, dependence and interactions. Certain day to day, life situations can result quite stressful and individuals react differently when faced with difficulties. Emotional issues, exams, interviews, pressure at work as well as after giving birth, are moments particularly hard and can result to be quite psychologically strenuous. Alta Care Laboratoires, worked on developing a patch treatment that is indicated in acute conditions of stress and which can be used regularly or for short periods. The active ingredients are made up of Phyto extracts and essential oils that give an anti-depressive, relaxing non-sedating effect, whilst also improving micro-circulation. Alta Care’s ‘Controller Patch’ can be also used to help prevent post-natal depression and in children who are hyperactive.

Another intelligent development by Laboratoires Alta Care (Paris) has been the Neuralta Migren 101 Patch which gives comfort for various hours to persons suffering from headache, migraines and headaches by the synergic effect of the active ingredients. It is good for those who have more than two to three attacks a month as this reduces the intensity and frequency of the attack. The migraine patch works through the release of pharmacological molecules extracted from several medicinal plants. It also can be applied as prevention to headache attacks during times of stress and in conditions where one requires an improvement in the cerebral circulation. In fact Neuralta Migren 101 patch helps to improve concentration and memory and it is safely indicated during pregnancy and for children’s use.

Final is the note on Elsner’s opinion that technology won’t end there. “Dermatologists in Germany are working with textile engineers to develop special clothing materials that administer medication,” he says. “They have made the prototype for a fabric that contains the moisturizers used by sufferers of dermatitis and eczema. The idea is that it will be used to make underwear or pajamas, so that users get medication in their sleep…. The potential is huge.”

You can find additional info at the following links:

Click Here for more information
Click Here for more information

Top 10 Dating-Relationship Mistakes - JBC

The 7 Killer Dating Mistakes

In your search for a great relationship, you shouldn’t just leave things to luck. There are many things that you can do that can enhance your dating experience. Unfortunately, though, there are also an awful lot of things that you can do to make sure that you’re a dating flop.

The following are the most common mistakes made by daters. Take the time to read and learn them so that you won’t make these mistakes too.

• The False Front – though it is important to look good when you’re dating, remember that you should always be realistic. If you do meet someone you like, you will be seeing that person a lot. In that case, you won’t be spending several hours getting ready every time. There is a difference between looking nice, and setting your date up for disillusionment. When you get ready, remember to be yourself. Look your best, look good, but make sure that it’s you in there! No false fronts.

• Availability – when you’re dating, it’s important to make yourself available when you find someone you like. After all, you’ve gone to an awful lot of effort to find a person who may qualify for a relationship. That person won’t stick around forever if you don’t put in some effort.

• Realistic Fun – relationships are often a lot of fun when they first get started. Everything is so fresh, exciting, and new. However, it doesn’t take long to discover that fun can only go so far. Make sure that you have other things in common, such as goals and values, if you want something long-term. Other than fun, you need to keep your eyes open for companionship, respect, love, and commitment. With those characteristics, you’re bound to have fun and a great relationship.

• Perfectionism – we all have our own fantasies about the right person. After building up this fictional Mr. or Ms. Right for so long, it can be hard to let a real person in. After all, real people are flawed. There is nothing wrong with having a dream. Just don’t let your dream block out a perfectly good person for a great relationship. Remember that it is our quirks and idiosyncrasies that make us special. Instead of rejecting them, treasure them when they come in a great person.

• Immediacy – a relationship isn’t something that happens instantly. Though you may want a relationship immediately, unless you give it time to grow, you’ll only be disappointed. Give yourself the opportunity to meet people, get to know people, like people, and find the right person. By rushing into a relationship, you’re setting up for a fall.

• Needs – though love is very important in a relationship, there is a lot more to it than just one emotion. The Beatles song “All You Need is Love” is sweet, but isn’t the key to a long-term relationship. You (and your partner) have many needs, and they all need to be met for things to work. Love is only one of those needs. You also need to remember responsibility, appreciation, trust, intimacy, and many other important factors.

• Time – one of the hardest things to admit to yourself is that a person you’ve been seeing for a long time isn’t the person for you. You may have known it from the start of the relationship, but didn’t want to hurt any feelings. The thing is, the longer you wait, the harder it will be. While you’re dating, you’re testing out different people to find the right one for you. If you discover that you’re with the wrong person, the best thing you can do is stop. It’s only fair to yourself and to your partner.

By avoiding these most common mistakes, you’ll be much more certain to have a happy relationship. It will meet your needs and those of your partner. It will also last much longer, and through many more obstacles. Happy dating.

Are You Relationship Ready? Take the Quiz

Take the test - - are you ready for a relationship?

Most singles are seeking a committed relationship and date with that goal in mind. Many are not ready for commitment for a variety of reasons, but they don't want to be alone, and so they date to find a partner anyway. When their dating strategy doesn't align with their readiness status, these singles unconsciously set themselves up for failure, complicating their lives and those of their dating partners.

Just because you want something doesn't necessarily mean you're ready for it. Many variables can interfere with your readiness for a committed relationship with someone you meet, such as being involved with someone else, going through a divorce, financial trouble, career demands, family obligations, physical health challenges, or mental/emotional health challenges such as addictions, depression, or anxiety disorders.

It would be a tragedy to meet your soul mate and not be ready for them. Getting involved in a relationship before you are ready can create a shaky foundation of unfinished business that eventually brings a relationship crashing down.

To assess your readiness for a committed relationship, rate yourself in each of the following ten areas. Try to be objective and honest with yourself. We recommend asking close friends and family members for their opinions as well.


Rating Scale: Rate each item on a scale from 0 to 10

8-10: This area of my life is strong and would be an asset to my next relationship

5-7: This area needs work, but most likely would not sabotage my next relationship

0-4: This area could interfere with the success of my next relationship


I have a clear vision for my life and relationship. I can envision my perfect life in rich detail that feels strong, very real, and keeps me motivated.


I have a written list of at least ten non-negotiable requirements that I use for screening potential partners. I am clear that if any are missing, a relationship will not work for me.


I enjoy my life, my work, my family, my friends, and my own company. I am living the life that I want, and I am not seeking a relationship out of desperation and need.


I have no emotional or legal baggage from a previous relationship. My schedule, commitments and lifestyle allow my availability to build a new relationship.


My work is fulfilling, supports my lifestyle, and does not interfere with my availability for a new relationship.


My physical, mental, or emotional health does not interfere with having the life and relationship that I want. I am reasonably happy and feel good.


I have no financial or legal issues that would interfere with having the life and relationship that I want.


My relationships with my children, ex, siblings, parents, and extended family do not interfere with having the life and relationship that I want.


I initiate contact with people I want to meet, and disengage from people who are not a match for me. I keep my physical and emotional boundaries, and balance my heart with my head with potential partners.


I understand relationships, can maintain closeness and intimacy, communicate authentically and assertively, negotiate difference positively, allow myself to trust and be vulnerable, and can give and receive love without emotional barriers.

RESULTS: Add up your scores to determine your relationship readiness:

80-100: GREEN Light: You are well on your way to the life and relationship you really want

50-79: YELLOW Light: Continue to work on the areas needed and take it slow in relationships

0-49: RED Light: Take a break from seeking a partner, focus on your life and prepare for the relationship that you really want

NOTE: We suggest that ANY area rated 0-4 result in a "Red Light" and that you consider taking a break from seeking a partner until that area is improved.

You may freely post this article as long as a) it is posted in its entirety; b) you provide a link back to; and c) you do not post on an adult-content site.


Why is Good Posture Important?

Why is Good Posture Important? Posted by admin on September 21, 2010 · Leave a Comment Why is Good Posture Important? Posture refers to the body’s alignment and positioning with respect to the force of gravity. Whether we are standing, sitting o... Read >

Employee Duties after they leave: Confidentiality, Non-Compete, Non-Solicit

What kinds of duties do employees owe their employer after leaving? Please note that the information provided herein is not legal advice and is provided for informational and educational purposes only. If you need legal advice with respect to drafting ... Read >

Pre-nup | Prenuptial Agreements (Part 2): How domestic contracts work…

Please note that the information provided herein is not legal advice and is provided for informational and educational purposes only. If you need legal advice with respect to cohabitation, prenuptial or marriage contracts and agreements, you should seek p... Read >

Common Law Breakup – (Part 2) Property claims to watch out for!

Family Law Please note that the information provided herein is not legal advice and is provided for informational and educational purposes only. If you need legal advice with respect to ending a common law relationship, you should seek professional as... Read >

Legal Drafting – 10 Tips

I thought it would be worthwhile to outline some tips when it came to legal drafting that I often educate my clients drafting This shows why legal kits aren't as good to protecting your rights and promoting your interests as an experienced lawyer... Read >

Online Book Publishing: Print-On-Demand Will Double Your Sales

This is another in my series of articles that explain the Online Publishing Model and how small-time authors and/or self-publishers can use the OPM as a more lucrative alternative to the often archaic and dysfunctional traditional book publishing model. In short, using the OPM you'll make more book sales and you’ll net more profits, faster.

Typically, you will create your book/ebook in a source word processing program such as MS-Word or WordPerfect. Once you have converted it into PDF format you’ll be ready to start selling it via the three primary channels that make up the Online Publishing Model: 1. Sales-Mini-Sites, 2. Digital Download Distributors, 3. Print-On-Demand (POD) Distributors.

This article explains Channel 3, Print-On-Demand (POD) distribution.

I have to tell you that I was already pretty darn excited when I found out about Channel 2 of the OPM, the digital fulfillment channel. However, when I found out about how I could ALSO take advantage of Channel 3, the print-on-demand channel I was ecstatic!


It's important that you understand exactly what I'm talking about when I use the term "POD fulfillment", as opposed to "digital fulfillment" which I explained in another article that I have written about the OPM.

Print-on-demand (POD) fulfillment refers to when your book is delivered to the customer strictly in printed paper form as a standard book. With POD, when a single order (or low volume order) for your book is placed, just that small quantity is printed, bound, and drop-shipped directly to the customer by your POD fulfillment company. Hence the term, print-on-demand, or POD as it is widely referred to..

A typical example of POD fulfillment in action would be when you provide your POD electronic files to a digital fulfillment company that distributes POD books to booksellers like and Barnes&, for example. Such booksellers would then offer your paperback POD book to those of its customers who prefer a standard printed version of your book.


For a real-life example of this, take a look at my Instant Recommendation Letter Kit book which is listed at To do this, go to the Web site.

Do a "book search" on the phrase "recommendation letter". Instant Recommendation Letter Kit will show up in the first few search results (usually number one or two). Click on the title to the right of the cover and it will take you to the details page. Look immediately below the cover and you will see the heading "Other Editions". The link there will say "paperback" or "digital download", depending on which version you are currently looking at.

The point here is that, via customers can ALSO order the paperback version of that book if they prefer it to the digital version.

Once the customer places their order online, the electronic ordering system immediately sends an electronic order to my POD distribution company which instantly begins their internal print-on-demand process to produce ONE single copy of my paperback version for direct drop-shipping to the paying customer's address.

This sure beats paying to print and store into inventory, 1,000 or 2,000 copies, or more, up-front doesn't it!


As explained above, when people order a print-on-demand book they get a real hard copy paperback book that they can hold in their hands.

But why choose to produce a POD version when you already offer an ebook version? This is a good and logical question.

The main answer is this: an ebook is NOT a perfect substitute for a printed book.

This becomes particularly clear when marketing the two products through an online bookseller like It turns out that even when amazon offers a 30% discount on the digital download ebook version, about 50% of buyers of the exact same title still choose the more expensive POD paperback version.

So, not only are these people willing to pay more, but they are also willing to wait anywhere from 5 to 7 days for the POD book to be drop-shipped to them.

These are the traditional book buying people. They want a conventional paper book that they can hold in their hands. They want to be able to turn the pages. Many of these buyers don't really understand what an ebook or digital download is all about.

And, even if they do understand the "e" part of ebook they don't want to have anything to do with something that sounds so "techie".

Clearly, if you do not provide a conventional paperback book option via POD for these traditional book buyers you will be leaving that money on the table. Those people will NOT buy your digital download products.


So, what does a POD book look like you might ask?

The quality of my POD books when printed is very acceptable. The full-color glossy cover is printed on standard cover stock and the book is perfect bound. The interior is comprised of standard 8 1/2" x 11" paper stock, printed both sides. It's like an excellent quality Xerox job between professionally designed full-color glossy covers. So, people who order them get a paperback of equivalent quality as to what one would normally find on the shelves at a bookstore.

That's just the format I use for my “how-to” books. You can also have PODs produced in all kinds of sizes, shapes and bindings, including hard cover books!


If you want to sell books to the traditional book buying public you have to give them what they want - a printed book. Print-on-demand (POD) is a technology that lets you do just that -- one copy at a time.

The really exciting thing about these POD sales is, as I explained above, they are IN ADDITION to any sales that you will make via Web site or digital fulfillment channels. It really is like "found money".

That’s what makes using the Online Publishing Model so exciting; it gives you three equally productive selling channels for your books and/or ebooks.

Copyright © Shaun R. Fawcett

You can find additional info at the following links:

Click Here for more information
Click Here for more information

torek, 26. februar 2013

Sleep Apnea Symptoms

How do you know if you have sleep apnea? Thanks to the wonderful technology of online resources, millions of sleep apnea patients are now aware of their current health condition and sleep apnea symptoms. Sleep apnea is a very common sleeping disorder affecting more than twelve million people. Studies show that the male-to-female ratio of sleep apnea patient is 2:1 or higher. Men snore at least twice as much as women do that it actually becomes a diagnosable condition! To be more specific, sleep apnea also affects people over forty and the young African American population the most. It is also promoted by being overweight, high blood pressure, having problems in the nose and throat, and smoking. These are all significant factors that can contribute to experiencing sleep apnea. But what about the symptoms? How do we know if we have sleep apnea or just a bad case of snoring?

Sleep apnea comes in three forms and all of them have different symptoms. The first is Obstructive sleep apnea. It is the most common form and is caused by an airway blockage that results in the collapsing and closing of the tissue at the back of the throat during sleep. To put it simpler, a person who suffers from this form of sleep apnea unconsciously experiences a sudden cessation on snoring followed by a silence because of the stoppage in breathing. This alternating pattern of snoring and silence can repeat over a hundred times a night causing poor sleep quality. This is one of the first symptoms to be detected for sleep apnea sufferers. Central sleep apnea is the second form of this disorder and it is brain related. What happens is the nerve signals are not sent to the muscles intended for breathing which causes the breathing problems to get irregular even when there is no blockage in the airways. This irregular breathing is a second symptom to look for. Finally, Mixed sleep apnea is a mixture of the central and obstructive sleep apneas. Despite the different names, you may now conclude that those three forms have the same effect, that the patient stops breathing while sleeping. Think about the life-threatening possibilities and the danger of this experience while you are in an unconscious state of mind! Sleep apnea is a very serious disorder that should be treated with extreme caution.

It is very difficult for anyone to determine if they are suffering from any type of sleep apnea simply because the condition is a sleep disorder and it is impossible to monitor yourself while sleeping. Seek out assistance! A member of your family, for example, can be the most credible in helping you evaluate these matters.

The main symptoms of sleep apnea happen while sleeping. The individual suffering may be unaware of the symptoms such as loud snoring due to breath recovery. They might also be unaware of the silence that comes immediately after, which is due to the inability to breathe caused by the blockage of the airway. Another symptom is the lack of rapid eye movement or REM sleep. Most normal people experience REM whenever they enter a deeper stage of sleeping. This is characterized by the fluttering of the eyelids while sleeping. You may have observed this natural movement of the eye from a normal person who is sleeping. This is easy to observe in children who are healthier and more capable of having a deep sound sleep. REM is impossible for sleep apnea patients because of the blockage in the airways and the lack of breath. The brain of the patient sends signals to the muscles for their breathing to continue again but they never enter a deep state of sleep. This causes constant tossing and turning in bed and a very poor sleep quality.

Aside from the symptoms experienced while sleeping, there are also obvious changes in behavior which can be considered as symptoms related to sleep apnea. They include irritability and excessive sleepiness that can even cause sleeping while driving. They also include less interest in sexual activities and memory problems. If one of your family members is complaining about your loud snoring and, at the same time, you are experiencing some changes that are affecting your daily normal activities, seek medical advice immediately! Untreated sleep apnea can be life-threatening and can develop into high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, weight gain, impotence, and headaches.

Becoming aware of and treating your sleep apnea symptoms will help you and others in your family to continue with a normal lifestyle. Sleep apnea can be life-threatening so don’t let this hinder you in experiencing a happier life with your loved ones.

Is Being A Codependent The Sign Of A Bad Relationship?

Codependents are people who exhibit far too much caring for people who depend on them. While this may not seem like a component of a bad relationship at first, codependency leads to several unhealthy outcomes, including the tendency to smother a loved one with over affection or self sacrifice to the point of martyrdom.

This is most commonly exhibited by the archetypical over protective parent, who cossets their children to the point that these kids never really mature, and are left unable to fend for themselves when they are alone. Spouses and girl/boy friends can also exhibit codependency in a lot of ways that can be ultimately unhealthy. Examples can include a wife who lets her husband become an alcoholic and physically abuse her, and she stays in the relationship simply because he "needs her to look after him". If you're wondering whether you're a codependent, here are some of the signs and symptoms you should look out for.

The first sign of codependency is completely altruistic love and affection. While there's nothing wrong with loving someone, the healthiest relationships in the world are two-sided. If all you're doing in the relationship is giving and giving, and you get nothing in return other than a "noble" feeling of being a "good" person, the odds are high that you're a codependent.

The second sign of codependency is the philosophy of "living for him/her". While a beautiful and romantic notion, this is a mindset that, when taken to an extreme, is very self destructive. While in most good relationships the partners value each other, there is no law that says you should stop thinking about yourself. If you don't think about your own benefit at all, and even worse, if you think of the cliche "I'll die without him/her", you're probably a codependent.

The third sign is a tendency to condone almost anything and everything your partner, child, or parent does. This is a serious problem that causes a huge number of social problems in the world today. Children raised by parents who cease to discipline them and teach them properly will grow up spoiled and arrogant, often becoming belligerent, problematic, and unproductive members of society later on. Spouses who are likewise treated this way will often become alcoholics/drug addicts, will cheat on their wives/husbands, and abuse their family members in general.

The fourth sign is smothering. This is the exact opposite of condoning everything, and manifests in a blanketing over protectiveness that makes you do almost everything for your loved one. You cook for them, clean after them, pick up their trash after them, and keep the rest of the "bad" universe away from them for fear that they will get hurt. This leads to individuals who are unable to fend for themselves at all in the absence of their codependent. These people cannot live by themselves and can do nothing even remotely productive.

Lastly there is the perfectionist type of codependency. This manifests as extreme discipline and training, wanting your loved one to be the "best", all for "his/her own good". This type of codependency often means that you have an image in your mind of a "perfect" person, and will do anything and everything to make your loved one fit that mold, no matter how unsuited he or she is to it. This leads to extremely unhappy relationships and broken homes. Children raised this way by demanding parents often break under the stress and require counseling later in life.

It can be argued that all relatioships have an element of codependency, it is the extreme of the tendency that can lead to a bad relationship.

The Truth About GERD And Acid Reflux Disease

GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease, is one of the most common chronic conditions out there, but it's only recently that people started to realize what it is and what a GERD symptom is. Otherwise known as acid reflux disease, GERD occurs when the muscles, or sphincters, that close the lower part of your esophagus don't work properly. Then the fluids in your stomach can leak into the esophagus and cause the acid reflux.

That burning feeling in the back of your throat-one of the clearest GERD symptom-occurs because, simply, the acidic fluids from your stomach are burning the tender lining of your esophagus. That's the reason for GERD's most common nickname, heartburn. The burning sensation can sometimes feel as if it's almost happening deep in your chest cavity, near your heart.

Besides this burning sensation, other acid reflex symptoms include a diffuse pain in the chest, sore throat or hoarse voice in the morning, or a full feeling in the back of your throat. You could also suffer from a tight feeling in your throat, a problem with swallowing, a dry cough, and even bad breath.

If you listen to all those medication commercials on TV, you may be led to believe that you must buy an expensive GERD treatment to deal with acid reflux disease and its symptoms. But an acid reflux cure does not necessarily have to come from a costly prescription. You can actually eat a GERD diet to prevent the condition. Depending on your particular case of GERD, this acid reflux diet for prevention could mean that you avoid caffeinated sodas, spicy foods, chocolate and peppermint candies, overly acidic foods, and fatty and fried foods.

Part of this GERD diet could involve not only what foods to avoid, but also when to eat in general to prevent acid reflux disease. For instance, no matter what foods your acid reflux diet does and does not include, it's important to eat your meals at least two to three hours before bedtime-at least. That's because lying down with a full stomach can lead to more of those acidic stomach juices leaking into your esophagus.

Your GERD treatment may also involve certain lifestyle changes. Being overweight is not an acid reflux symptom, but it sure may be a major factor in the condition. So your doctor may recommend a regimen of exercise to go along with that GERD diet, to help you burn calories and melt off those extra pounds. Negative lifestyle behaviors such as smoking and drinking alcohol also can contribute to acid reflux, so you may want to consider cutting down, or quitting them altogether.

The point of all this information-GERD treatment is in your hands first and foremost. With a slight change to your eating habits and a few lifestyle changes, you could cure yourself of that painful and annoying acid reflux, and without resorting to expensive pills or gimmicky tricks.

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Calf Exercises for Men

The first portion of a complete body sculpting routine for men is the upper body routine. Because many men are already comfortable with exercise for this area of the body, it's generally the part of the body that's well-defined and toned.

The calf is made of two main muscles, the gastrocnemius and the soleus, nicknamed in some languages "the twins". They manipulate the Achilles tendon - that's the big tendon just above your heel, behind the ankle - to produce the movements of the foot and toes.

One of the problems with bodyweight training programs is that your weight can sometimes be too heavy or too light. Take squats for instance. For most people their body weight won't provide enough resistance to get a good workout within a 'normal' repetition range.

Toning is something that both men and women strive to accomplish with their workouts. Women want to tone their trouble areas to create a leaner look that gives them a strong feminine shape, while men strive to tone their larger muscle groups to make them appear more cut and ripped. The best exercises for toning target individual areas of the body, and provide exceptional results at a fast rate.

These exercises for skinny guys emphasize working on the whole body, using compound exercises to build up several muscle groups at the same time. Compound exercises are more efficient in building muscle mass since no muscle group is left behind in the work out.

Another way to tone up and bulk up your lower body muscles is to do dead lifts. The concept is simple. Just lift the weight with both your arms. Dead lifts are a great way to tone your arms, shoulders, chest, back, hips, butts, abs, thighs, calf muscles and everything in between.

One of the best leg exercise that you can do with your bodyweight. This will make you become more stable and challenge your leg strength, endurance, balance and agility. In a standing position, raise one leg out as straight as possible in front of you, and squat down on one leg until your thigh touches your calf.

Not everybody has a jump rope on them right now, but a jump rope can be one of the best weight loss exercises because you use your arms, your calfs, legs, and explosive movements. People who jump rope tend to break a sweat rather quickly, so why not start today and start jumping rope!

Movements that involve deep concentration and create lots of burn are the best leg exercises for women. These include: leg extensions, leg curls, abductors, lunges (side and front), calf raises. Squats and leg presses are popular leg movements, but if you get too over-zealous you might be looking at a larger set of legs or bigger butt.

Studies done at the Baylor University Exercise and Sports Nutrition Laboratory showed that 30-minute workouts raised the heart rate of women and men to about 65 percent of their maximum. Thirty minutes was enough time to improve cardiovascular fitness.

Begin your fitness session with a five to ten minute stretching and warm up, and finish by cooling off for another five minutes. And then in the course of the rest of that session, make your workouts relatively brief. Your standard exercise sessions ought not last greater than 30 to 45 minutes.

The main reason why most people fail to build calves is they simply do not train them hard enough. Think about it. Your calves handle your body weight while standing, running, and walking and doing just about any other physical activity. This means they are already used to lots of stimulation and will only respond to super heavy weights.

Aren't all Multi Vitamins Basically the Same?

Multi vitamins can provide a convenient way to take a variety of supplemental nutrients from a single product to prevent vitamin or mineral deficiencies, as well as to achieve higher intakes of beneficial nutrients.

In the current state of the vitamin and nutritional supplement industry it can be difficult to decide which supplements will provide real health protection and improvement benefits and which are simply "me too" products designed primarily to ride the wave of public interest in preventative health.

To understand the need to be informed about vitamin and nutritional supplements, you must understand the regulatory environment that currently exists in the vitamin supplement industry in the United States.

Do Vitamin Companies Regulate Themselves?

In October of 1994, President Clinton signed into law the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA).

The DSHEA was written to help empower Americans to make choices about their own preventative health care strategies.

Under the DSHEA it was decided that nutritional supplements would continue to be regulated as a food product rather than the more restrictive regulations that drugs fall under.

While this made vitamin and nutritional supplements widely available it also allowed nutritional supplement manufacturers to practically regulate themselves, since there was no agreed upon standard of good manufacturing practice (GMP) and no government pressure to be true to the label on their products.

It was't until March of 2003, nine years after the DSHEA became law, that the FDA proposed new regulations to require current good manufacturing practices (CGMPs) in the manufacturing, packaging, and holding of nutritional supplements.

According to the FDA, this is what prompted the new regulation proposal:

"In recent years, analyses of dietary supplements by a private sector laboratory suggest that a substantial number of dietary supplement products analyzed may not contain the amounts of dietary ingredients that would be expected to be found based on their product labels". For example...

"Five of 18 soy and/or red clover-containing products were found to contain only 50 percent to 80 percent of the declared amounts of isoflavones".

"Of 25 probiotic products tested, 8 contained less than 1 percent of the claimed number of live bacteria or the number of bacteria that would be expected to be found in such a product".

The proposed rule will, for the first time, establish standards to ensure that vitamin supplement ingredients are not adulterated with contaminants or impurities, and are labeled to accurately to reflect the active ingredients and other ingredients in the product.

The proposed new regulations will be phased in over the next three years so as not to disrupt the production of nutritional supplements.

While the DSHEA has helped ensure that dietary supplements remain easily accessible without excessive regulation, (doctors prescriptions, etc.), it also has created a "wide open" atmosphere for manufacturers who aren't yet in compliance with good manufacturing practices (at this time, GMP compliance is voluntary).

It's very easy for a supplement company to jump on the bandwagonof the latest fad and put together a product with little or no research and poor quality (and cheap!) ingredients, and then market it with over-blown, unsubstantiated claims and pure hype.

Some of the most common products that this formula is used for are weight loss, HGH (human growth hormone) and multi vitamins.

Supplement users are in the position of having to trust vitamin supplement manufacturers to regulate themselves. Although the dietary supplement industry has an excellent track record of safety, it's been verified by the independent product testing of that some supplements do not contain what is stated on their label and are sometimes contaminated.

While some vitamin supplement manufacturers are working hard to meet the new FDA guidelines, not all are. At this time, you have to do your own research and take extra precautions to find high quality nutritional supplements.

Tips for Choosing Nutritional Supplements

Vitamins, minerals and other nutrients work best when they're combined in a way that mimics nature as closely as possible. Look for nutritional supplements that have nutrients combined to make use of the natural synergy between them.

Companies willing to give a full disclosure and description of their ingredients have usually put more effort and research into their product. For example, instead of just saying "Calcium" the label should be more detailed like this: "Calcium (from 2430 mg Citrate, Malate, Ester-C)". This description indicates that higher quality ingredients and more up-to-date research was used for the supplement.

Verify that the supplement was produced at a pharmaceutical GMP (good manufacturing practices) facility. Since compliance to GMP standards is voluntary it's important to do your own research to verify that macro-biological testing is done at every stage of production.

(This issue shouldn't be taken lightly - as mentioned above, studies by have shown that some supplements don't have the true amount of ingredients as stated on the label, or may harbor toxic contaminants.)

Pharmaceutical grade supplements (sometimes called nutriceuticals) are made for "professional" use in the health care field by natural health care providers and consumers who want the best.

In the past decade pharmaceutical grade supplements have become more availableto the general public and this type of nutritional supplement will provide the health benefits that you're looking for, often for a very reasonable price.

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Building Self Awareness Activities

Building self awareness is certainly a crucial part in personal development as by being aware of ourselves we become aware of what areas need development. So many of us puddle through life without knowing who we are and wandering why we get the results we get. Of course, I am not talking of who we are as in terms of name or social status. But I am talking about who we are in terms of our beliefs, our thoughts, our perceptions and essentially our experiences.

In order to uncover these deeper traits it is important to build self awareness activities.

It is possible that we can build self awareness activities through professional help. However, building self awareness activities does not necessarily have to be done via professionals. Nonetheless, expert help at times can be more effective because by doing it ourselves we may unconsciously be protective of ourselves and choose not to uncover those things about ourselves that may be uncomfortable.

Still, I believe that self awareness is a journey rather than a destination. And it can be a journey filled with all sorts of variety too. As we uncover our very own selves we can discover interesting things about us, frustrating things, frightening insights and so forth. The way to go about it is to be easy about it and be open as to what to expect.

Sure, there are many building self awareness activities we can take part in order to come in touch with this deeper self. So what sort of exercises are involved in building self awareness activities? They are numerous and a straight forward example which I find interesting is the illusion exercise. In this self awareness activity, a lot of illusions are shown to a group of players for them to specifically tell what they see, and the different views which emerge can be fascinating. The individuals in the group will each look at the same image, but if you ask them what they see, the answers could be miles apart!

Essentially the purpose of building self awareness activities is to find out more about ourselves. To find out how we relate to the world around us. Why we feel the way we do, what beliefs we have etc. When we take a moment to participate in building self awareness activities then we are making a worthy

investment. Because our beliefs and thoughts create our world. world. It is only when we participate in building self awareness activities that we can come face to face with who we really are, what is holding us back and what beliefs work for us.

Another simple activity of building self awareness is to simply question all your actions, thoughts, feelings, responses etc. It is essentially trying to see yourself through the eyes of the world. As you question yourself and answer the 'why' you do things the way you do you can uncover a lot of things you did not even know about yourself. For example, ask yourself, 'Why you cannot do that speech'. You will find that reason to be simply a 'belief' you hold about yourself and as you question even more you will come to realize that this belief can be changed, and that when you change the belief, actually you can do the speech!

Such is the power of building self awareness activities because they help uncover those underlying beliefs, and as we become more aware of who we are we can transcend limitations. Building self awareness activities is thus a worthwhile exercise.

Copyright: Sharon Eiffel

Discover the simple principles to successful living in Sharon Eiffel's new e-book, The Wealth Within. As you practice the basic ideas she describes, you'll begin to see how you can transform your own circumstances and begin to create the experiences you desire. The Wealth Within E - Book also comes with a FREE audio and it is an uncomplicated, pleasant read which will leave you feeling empowered, motivated and ready to take on the world! Instantly get your copy now at

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See Yourself Losing Weight

One of the most important parts of losing any weight is your own vision... can you see youself at the weight you desire?

You literally can't lose weight if you see yourself overweight, or more importantly, not being able to lose weight... your mind won't let you. This is one reason so many struggle with weight loss... and keeping it off.

This is called physcological reversal. You say you want something, but your inner mind says just the opposite. You say you want to lose weight, but your mind says "it's too hard", "I can't do that", "never been able to do it, why now" or any other belief you've let settle in to your mind the past.

These beliefs in one way or another you've 'accepted' at some time in the past. You see, your subsconcious mind accepts anything you pass to it. It doesn't judge, analyze, reason, filter... nothing, it just accepts. If you've accepted in the past that it's too difficult to lose weight (for any reason), then almost any attempt to lose weight will fail unless you replace that negative belief.

Once you replace any old beliefs about weight loss, you can "picture" yourself at your ideal weight. And now, thanks to high tech, you can even do it right on your computer! Just visit and you can see your before and after pictures in almost real time! Brilliant idea. Just upload a current picture of yourself and the software will create a picture of what you you'll look like at your ideal weight (or a close resemblence). And by the way, it's free.

Keep the photo in a place where you can see it often and imagine yourself and how good you feel, the things you'll be doing and all the good feelings associated with your "new you".

You CAN do it!

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What Are The Risks Of Taking Lipitor?

Lipitor is the generic name of a prescription drug used for treating high cholesterol. Atrovastatin is the brand name most commonly associated with Lipitor. It has been proven to be a very effect part of treatment for many people. The drugs helps to lower cholesterol by slowing the production of cholesterol in the body. A person taking Lipitor is lowering their risk of subsequent hardening of arteries, heart attacks, strokes and heart disease. There are a variety of side effects that can occur when taking Lipitor. While most are mild and only a few are more serious, it is important that you fully educate yourself on all possible side effects of Lipitor.

It is very important that you keep in close contact with your physician if you begin to notice any unusual or severe side effects while taking the cholesterol lowering drug Lipitor. There have been some rare but serious cases of liver and muscle problems in a few people taking Lipitor. Unusual weakness, tenderness or pain in the muscles occur with the liver and muscle problems. If any of these side effects occur when taking Lipitor, it is imperative that you contact your physician immediately.

Some common side effects that can occur when taking Lipitor to reduce your cholesterol include flatulence (gas), upset stomach, nausea, rash or headaches. If you begin to experience any of the above symptoms you can continue to take Lipitor, however, you should consult your physician right away. He or she will want to be aware of and monitor any side effects that occur.

Some of the more potentially serious side effects that can occur while taking include swollen lips, breathing problems, swelling of the face, swelling of the tongue and hives. Extreme blurring of vision or rust colored urine that may have decreased in frequency should be a cause for concern. If the occurrence of muscle weakness, tenderness or pain is present with a combination of flu symptoms, fever, fatigue, stomach pain, dark urine or light colored feces, they could indicate serious problems with the muscles or liver.

While there may be the possibility for many different side effects, Lipitor has been proven to dramatically decrease the level of total cholesterol in the body anywhere from 29 – 45%. Studies show that Lipitor has been proven to reduce the risk of heart attacks by 36 percent.

When combined with proper diet and exercise, you can work to lower the level of bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol levels. Generally, Lipitor is a once a day pill that is taken at any point during the day, with or without eating foods while taking it.

Disclaimer: The information presented here should not be interpreted as medical advice. Please talk to a qualified professional before taking Lipitor or any other drug.

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Reducing Stress Related Illnesses In Dogs

Stress-related illnesses are at an all time high in America, and there is no sign it will lessen. For the most part, doctors have identified the basic cause of this to be our "seriousness". By that they mean taking ourselves too seriously, thus causing so much pressure that any meaningful stress management is impossible. When things are beyond our power to solve, we must drop the ball; not easy for non-quitters.

Unhealthy levels of stress show as mood changes, migraines, hair loss, worry, agitation, sleeplessness, weight gain and the more serious level; depression. Stress contributes to half of all illnesses in the U.S. and 70% of all visits to the doctor's office. But before you see your doctor to ask if Valium is right for you - let's consider some natural options.

Laughter is an antidote to stress. When we laugh, blood flow to the brain is increased and endorphins (that hormone that gives us a sense of well-being) are released and levels of stress drop dramatically. We can begin this healing by laughing at our own selves, our perfect imperfection that makes up all of us.

Force yourself to be more sociable because under stress our instincts tell us to withdraw and isolate ourselves. Nothing could be worse according to stress experts. Isolation allows us to concentrate on our problems, which perpetuates negative thinking - instead of resolving it, we intensify it. When you feel stressed to the max, call a friend or put yourself among children; they have a way of making anyone forget their worries. Volunteer work is a good stress-buster.

Indecisiveness can intensify stress, so we must learn to be more assertive. Some may associate assertiveness with hostility or aggression, but we simply mean expressing your feelings, letting others know your opinions and acting on your own behalf. Some things we can practice are: speaking up when you feel it's warranted... initiate conversations... make an effort to seek out and form new friendships. Don't be afraid to disagree. Give out and accept - compliments. Ask for information.

When trying to break the sleeplessness cycle, avoid alcohol, caffeine and tobacco - all of which have negative effects on sleep. Do something calming before bed; a warm bath, soft music, scented candles. Talk positively to yourself and pat yourself on the back now and then for a job well-done. Then give yourself a reward because when you do that you will realize a boost in your immune system that can last for several days. This can be a pair of shoes or as simple as a dish of ice cream (or both)!

Slowing down nearly everything in your life is another stress reliever. Holistic studies have taught me to stop running for the phone when it rings - why did I always do that? I now concentrate on driving slower, pausing after I park the car in the garage just to relax as I ease into another transition. I don't hurry my meals, but chew more slowly and with all of this you can feel the stress ebb away.

Also, write down those nagging problems. Make two columns on the paper: one "Worries I can do something about" and the other "Worries I can't do anything about". Reading these from your notes offers another dimension and you can begin to accept the ones you can't change, and go about finding solutions for those you can.

One doctor's research of 480 people under stressful conditions found that, "... the top stress reducers are dogs". People who were facing unbearable situations had the lowest heart rates and blood pressure if they were with their dogs - even lower than those who were with the spouses. Possible reason: Dogs are perceived as completely nonjudgmental.

Learn about snoring tips, snoring/ways_to_stop_snoring.html" rel="nofollow">ways to stop snoring, how to stop snoring, what is meningitis, carcinomatous meningitis , meningitis symptoms and other information at the Health And Nutrition Tips site.

Signs of Infidelity: My Marriage Made Me Do It

Infidelity has different faces...and different signs and patterns.

Yes, infidelity is complex. You probably know that or perhaps feel the overwhelm and confusion.

Most I work with find tremendous relief, a sense of control, confidence and power once they pinpoint the situational signs of infidelity.

Understanding IS the beginning of healing.

Yes, there are general signs of infidelity that indicate that your husband or wife may be cheating. After you finish reading this page you will find a link for those general signs of infidelity.

But, to accelerate breaking free you need to dig into and nail down the signs and patterns of infidelity.

Did you know there are 7 different kinds of affairs? Well, there may be more, but after a couple decades of clinical work and research, I've identified 7.

And, if you look carefully, you will find that each form of infidelity carries different signs and markers. Know those specific signs of infidelity and you can save yourself much grief.

Let's begin here.

One kind of affair I write about in my e-book is called, "My Marriage Made Me Do It."

Here are some signs and patterns you can expect in this kind of affair:

1. Expect that your spouse will have a very powerful attachment to the other person. The other person will consistently be on her mind. Your spouse will shift energy away from you, the children, the household and her career to her affair relationship. She will be focused, but not on you. Your spouse will attempt to push you away by avoiding you, ignoring you, closing off communication or walking away.

2. The affair will most likely be a long-term affair. It will be very difficult for your spouse to walk away from the other person. He may try on a number of occasions but will continue to gravitate back to the other person. He will hold on tenaciously. This is probably the first or only affair for your spouse. Your spouse is not interested in playing or fooling around but powerfully attaching to the other person. The other person is the savior!

3. Don’t believe that the affair was planned before hand because of a bad marriage. These affairs usually just happen. They usually happen with someone in close proximity: co-worker, neighbor, friend (frequently of friends with whom you socialize), etc. The other person is usually the aggressor, your spouse lacking the confidence to seek out the affair. The rationale that it happened because of a lousy marriage comes after the affair is in bloom.

4. The more you try to persuade, convince or pursue, the more strongly he will attach to the other person. He will perceive your efforts as weakness and will want to attach more intently to the other person whom he (at perhaps an unconscious level) deems to be the powerful and loving answer-to-all.

5. Efforts to use moral or religious arguments to call a halt to the affair will be strongly resisted. Your spouse is not guided by rightness or wrongness. These standards have not been internalized and do not carry much weight, especially when it comes to the important chunks of her life. The actions and thoughts of your spouse primarily originate from her need to attach to another person. Any behavior or concept that serves the purpose of maintaining the attachment will be valued. Others are discarded.

6. Expect you will spend a significant amount of time and emotional energy in the next 2 to 4 years (especially if there are children) attempting to resolve the relationship. By resolve, I mean, coming to a point where each of you are fairly free of the emotional entanglement that holds you together and generates the pain and fear. It will be important for you to resolve the relationship whether you continue to be married or separate and divorce.

Does this fit your situation?

Do you see the importance of understanding in-depth the signs of infidelity. Once you do, you will have many more options available that will help you break free.

Stop snoring instantly and enjoy a good night’s sleep with SnoreMender

A brand new anti-snoring device is taking the UK by storm.

The SnoreMender from Sleep Well Enjoy Life Ltd is being hailed as a miraculous snoring cure, which stops snoring from the very first use.

The SnoreMender is an ingeniously simple device, which has been developed by dentists and is clinically proven to stop snoring, with a full money back guarantee.

Around 60% of adults suffer from this condition according to the National Sleep Foundation, as well as countless partners and family members who lose sleep as a result, and there are several consequences to health including tiredness, irritability, increased risk of accidents, high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes as well as marital problems.

Most noisy snoring is caused by a restricted airflow, which occurs when the soft tissues at the back of the throat slacken and close up so that air has to be forced through.

The slackening of these soft tissues is made worse by lying on the back, carrying excess weight, or drinking alcohol.

SnoreMender's clever hinged system actually prevents the lower jaw from falling back and constricting the back of the throat once asleep and at the same time still allows normal breathing and the mouth to open and close naturally.

The SnoreMender is simply inserted into the mouth before going to sleep, to keep the airway unblocked, thus eliminating the snoring. In most cases no fitting is required, simply place into the mouth and look forward to a good night's sleep for everyone in the household.

Visit the SnoreMenders website at to find out whether the device could be the answer to your snoring problems and to read the positive reviews from very many satisfied snorers and their long-suffering partners.

The website also provides a comparison against similar brands to help you decide whether or not to place an order, which can also be done online.

The SnoreMender is extremely easy to use, is soft, flexible and strong and is easy to clean hygienically with soap and water.

Types of Typhus and Their Symptoms

Typhus is one of several similar diseases that is caused by the Rickettsiae bacteria. Of greek origin, meaning hazy or smokey, it describes the state of mind of those affected by the typhus disease. A fever which can reach up to 39°C (102°F) and a headache, are symptoms which are common to all types of typhus. In some tropical countries, typhus is most often mistaken for another disease known as "dengue".

There are three different forms of typhus. The Epidemic typhus (also known as "louse-bourne typhus"), can often cause epidemics following wars and natural disasters. The causative organism is transmitted by the human body louse, which will leave you with a fever, headache, exhaustion, chills, and rash. This type of typhus is most commonly known as "ship fever" or as "prison fever", because it makes itself known in crowded conditions, namely aboard ships and in prison.

Scrub typhus, or "chigger-borne typhus", is transmitted and caused by chiggers. Chiggers are found in areas of heavy scrub vegetation. Symptoms of this disease are muscle pain, fever, cough, gastrointestinal symptoms, and headache.

Endemic typhus (also called "murine typhus" and "flea-borne typhus") is transmitted by fleas on rats, and sometimes by fleas carried on cats or possums. This form of typhus will leave you with symptoms of joint pain, headache, chills, nausea, fever, vomiting, and cough.

Typhus is treated with tetracycline or other tetracycline related antibiotics. Rickettsiae causes a number of other diseases, including Rocky Mountain spotted fever, or "Tick typhus", Boutonneuse fever and Rickettsialpox. Typhoid fever is an entirely different disease than typhus and should not be confused with typhus diseases, despite their similar-sounding names.

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Brad Jones

Proteins for Hair Growth

Protein and amino acids for hair growthMany people ask me what proteins are most appropriate for hair growth. People with hair loss often turn to protein and amino acid supplements as part of their treatment regime. Although it is rare for a lack of prote... Read >

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Fast Hair Growth Tips

Fast hair growth tips for male hair loss The following article provides some fast hair growth tips for male hair loss. The first fast hair growth tip I would like to provide is to find out the cause of air loss as soon as possible, and then choose f... Read >

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Rita Hytag

Ways I Helped My Lumbar Problems - An Orthopedic Mattress Helped Me

As a male in my 40s who has suffered from chronic back pain for many many years, I got to the point in my life that I had to make a decision. Do I continue with this nagging irritating backache for the rest of my life, slowly wearing me down, or do I gras... Read >

snoring-chin-strap-1664049.html" title="Read: Benefits of a snoring Chin Strap">Benefits of a Snoring Chin Strap

If you are one of the worlds snorers, in search of a cheap device that may cure your snoring problem, have you considered the snoring chin strap? These inexpensive products can be bought online from retailers such as Amazon, and being non-invasive, many s... Read >

Dating Relationship - The Basic Rules Effective Communication in Dating Relationships

For any dating relationship, the need for communication is extremely imperative, since good communication will lay the foundation for a lasting relationship. If you know the basics, then you can probably enjoy the company of your partner more and have a healthier positive time being with each other.

First, there are some basic rules that dictate good communication skills. You don't have to say everything to your partner. However, it is important that you do discuss as much as you can with each other. Some people think that they are going to overburden the other person with their issues if they open up. This is a common misconception which has led to a lot of problems down the line. Don't let your relationship be one of these and learn to say what is on your mind.
The next thing is about explaining yourself to your partner. If you have something unpleasant to share, don't delay it and make it worse. Remember that the sooner it is out, the quicker it is all going to be over and things will return to normalcy. However, dating couples sometime are afraid to jinx their relationship by saying something wrong and hold onto their feelings until it all explodes violently one fine day. Thus, don't be a victim of this situation and learn to come out with things as they happen and before it is too late.
Next, you have to know that all couples are bound to have disagreements. This is what defines a normal relationship. As long as the disagreement does not lead to something unwanted, it is actually a healthy sign of a relationship. When couples tend to disagree, it means the two partners are actually caring about the issue and want to express their individual opinions. Imagine being in a relationship where one partner dominates the other and agrees to everything she/he says. In addition to being a clear problem, it is also the sign of a problem and something that will eventually cause the breakup of the dating relationship.

Learn to communicate effectively, and not talk for the sake of talking. Some people, in the name of communication, just want to say things that they might eventually regret later on. Don't let that person be you and learn to say what you mean, not what you are going to repent. A true healthy relationship can only be achieved if the couple is freely communicating with each other.

Communication can make or break a dating relationship. It's sad but many relationships end because of lack of effective communication and/or misunderstandings. Learn from the very beginning to be a good listener and to ask questions when you don't fully understand something. Let there be very little room for miscommunication and always over communicate to be sure you are being understood.

Communication is an art so it will take practice to get good at it. Don't get discouraged if you feel like you keep hitting walls. Your persistence and determination will pay off, the more you do it.

What Women Expect From a Relationship - Tips For Men

1. Make Time For Her

One of the cardinal sins a man can commit is to not have time for his partner.Too many long hours at work, or frequent nights out drinking with the lads, will make your lady feel neglected, and that these other pursuits are more important to you than she is.

It is of course still important to make time for oneself. Women do not want to feel stifled or crowded. It is equally important to allow them freedom to "do their own thing". Jealousy is to be avoided at all costs. Whilst women need to know they are loved and cherished, jealousy will lead to a feeling of claustrophobia and the woman beginning to feel trapped. Mutual trust is so important.

2. Sharing

Women like to know that their male partner is ready, willing, and able to share in day to day family life. Joint parenting classes for the expectant mum and dad, taking turns at getting up in the night to feed baby (where of course the infant is being bottle fed), sharing nappy changing duty. It's not just the fact that this allows mum a good night sleep, but also that the menial and dirty jobs are shared. That she is not just some sort of a domestic servant.

Men shouldn't feel embarrassed to show their sensitive side. Women after all are sensitive creatures and the knowledge that this sensitivity is shared and expressed makes a woman proud of her man.

3. Feeling Safe

Women very often take the lead in the "home maker" role, and an important aspect of this is the need to feel safe and secure. This is much more prevalent between married couples, and especially those with children. Despite their romantic nature, women are also very practical, and the knowledge that they have four square walls around them and theirs, and that it is always known where the next square meal is coming from gives her a feeling of well being.

Learn how to bring back your woman if you have relationship problems. Visit

A Change in Lifestyle is A Good Remedy to Stop Snoring

Almost half of the population in the United States today snores now and then. And, almost 80 percent of the couples living together in the United States sleep in a separate room, all of that because of the sleeping disorder called snoring.

It is a fact, that snoring not only endangers the relationship of most couple, the sleeping disorder is also applicable to all sorts of people that have it. The effect of snoring to the social relationship of those who have it is quite serious. A mere snore has the possibility of developing into sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder wherein the individual who have it will stop breathing for about sixty long seconds. That is the reason why snoring must not be taken lightly, snoring is a life threatening malady.

Also, recent studies and research shows that snoring may also lead to diabetes. The reason for that is because snoring reduces the oxygen intake of the body, as a result, the human body will then produce more catecholamines to compensate for that. And that may lead to the one of the most prominent symptom of diabetes, which is insulin resistance.

Most of us probably have asked ourselves why people snore. Let is probe further. When a person sleeps, the air goes through its nose, throat and lastly the lungs. Normally, this process is unimpeded and somewhat noiseless. However, the flow of the air passage will eventually get disrupted. This is somewhat natural mainly because of certain aspects, such as clogged nose, or in some cases, the bottom of the tongue is obstructs the breathing.

The most common cause of snoring is because the soft tissue in the throat or the upper palate vibrates. And once the air passage is obstructed as it goes through to the lungs, the problem arises. Loud snoring is basically the result of the hindered air flow that goes through the narrow tissue in the throat or upper palate.

But how do we lessen snoring, or better yet, stop this sleeping disorder?

Truthfully, there is no specific general solution for that predicament. On the other hand, numerous solutions have been made to assist individuals that are suffering from this problem.

The most practical solution for that problem is by changing into a healthy lifestyle. Also, there are now numerous medications – prescribed and herbal – that not only help reduce snoring but also may eliminate the disorder once and for all. There are also some mouth and throat exercises that broaden and tighten the throat to reduce snoring.

Upper Back Exercises for a Strong Back

The back supports the weight of the upper body and has to be strong to carry out its work unhindered. People focus on strengthening their lower back, but upper back muscles too need toning up. A well toned back looks good and helps in maintaining correct posture. Upper back exercises are a good way of strengthening the upper back. Some effective upper back exercises are mentioned below.

Upper Back Exercises

Women would rather have a well-toned upper body, whereas men prefer a muscular back. Dumbbell pullovers and dumbbell rows are effective upper back exercises.

Dumbbell Pullover:

You will need a narrow workout bench. Lie with the workbench supporting the upper back and neck, and your head leaning over one end. Place one leg each on either side of the bench with feet firmly placed on the ground. Lift the dumbbell over your face with arms stretched out. Slowly lower the dumbbell over your head in an arc; hold, and bring it back to original position. Initially do five repetitions and gradually raise the count to fifteen.

Another variation of this upper back exercise is to hold the dumbbell with bent arms. With elbows bent, slowly lower the dumbbell over your head in an arc; hold, and then gently pull back the dumbbell to original position. Initially do five repetitions and gradually raise the count to fifteen.

Dumbbell Row:

Place the dumbbell on the right side of the bench, and your left leg on the bench with the right foot firmly placed on the floor. Leaning forward, place the left hand on the bench in front of the body. Your back should be in horizontal position. Pick up the dumbbell and raise your arm slowly upwards until your upper arm is in level with your upper body; hold, and take back your arm to the original position. Initially do five repetitions and gradually raise the count to fifteen. Now, repeat the exercise with the left arm.

These upper back exercises are a great way to build a strong upper back that add to the ‘V’ shape of the body.